Recent Roundup: VIDEOS

Recent roundup: Videos

Groof will regularly seek out and reflect upon the latest content available publicly about green roofs and green walls. Check out our latest roundup of interesting news and ideas worldwide with our favourite excerpts. We hope you enjoy!

This rooftop farm in the middle of Rotterdam shows that the sky is the limit - YouTube

  • An awesome example of going above and beyond in the space - involving rooftop farming for food production

  • “We’re standing on a kind of paradise.”

  • “We grow vegetables. We also have beehives, we have chickens on the roof.”

  • Rainwater - when big rainstorms happen, green roofs’ ability to retain water slows the flow of rain in sewers.

  • Temperature - green roofs can be about 30 degrees hot in summer, while black roofs are 70 to 80 degrees hot.

  • Food - dramatically reducing the number of “food miles” by growing food directly in the cities and also profiting.

This Startup Wants to Make Rooftop Farming the Future of Sustainability | Fast Company - YouTube

  • “Gotham Greens, the Brooklyn-based urban-farming startup, aims to prove that growing crops in greenhouses on city rooftops can be more efficient and sustainable than traditional methods.”

  • Similar to the video above, this company shines a light on the need for farming within cities and how roofs help.

Meet the Woman Behind Asia's Largest Urban Rooftop Farm - YouTube

  • “We’re at the point of risking our lives by living in the city.”

  • This architect earlier designed Chulalongkorn Centenary Park, which is simply an inclined park to collect rainwater.

  • She designed the green roof for Thammasat University with the same concept in mind, “because [gravity] is the cheapest technology that we can on Earth”

  • They also grow rice and do much more on the Thammasat University roof top.

  • With Beijing being at risk of climate change, the architect believes the city will flood eventually due to runoff water.

DIY Green Roof Installation A StepbySte - YouTube

  • We saw this posted just a couple days ago. It’s a VERY simplified look behind green roofs, but useful for DIY spaces.

"Growing Green: Designing Your Sustainable Rooftop Garden"[DETAILED][4k][MUSTWATCH] - YouTube

  • For a much more comprehensive approach to the same topic above, this video covers everything from site assessment to wind and drainage. The video stresses the importance of safety and inspections for quality.

Hot Living Roof Test. 185° Degrees! - YouTube

  • Posted just 3 days ago. This 4-acre building was built in 2006 with a green roof and has Silver Leed building status.

  • This is actually the same roof (Aqualand) that collapsed in 2011 (we wrote about it in our ‘Dangers’ blog) rebuilt.

  • The black roof is too hot in the summer to touch, at 185 degrees, a 100 degree difference from the temperature.

  • This video also covers rainwater runoff and shows just how fast water rolls off of regular roofs (hot water at that).

  • When they test the temperature of the vegetated green roof, it was also 100 degrees cooler than the black roof.

  • Ancient technology - thousands of years ago, there were buildings with vegetated roofs for natural cooling effects.

  • Green roofs not only retain the rainwater for soil, it also cools the water as opposed to heating it up across acres.

  • Green roofs are also hosting biodiversity by hosting birds with nests, insects, etc. as opposed to zero on black roofs.


Recent Roundup: ARTICLES


Choosing a roof or wall plant palette (Groof)