re: 3 research study articles about Green Walls (& Roofs) in Buildings - especially Schools

We recently read three highly academic research pieces that found green walls to have a positive impact on students in schools.

Green walls in schools - The potential well-being benefits - ScienceDirect

  • This research was published in 2022 and reminds us how much more time students are spending indoors post-pandemic, and makes the case for more green walls in schools.

  • Introducing more natural elements into the built environment reduces stress and anxiety while improving well-being and mood for students (and staff) in schools (IE - elementary schools in London)

  • human beings are instinctively attracted to nature and other forms of life.”

More than a View: School Landscape Features Are Associated with Improved Student Adjustment - PubMed (

  • Published in 2020, this article is similar to the one above - finding benefits to outweigh negative traits regarding more greenery (or impervious surfaces - surfaces like grass and green roofs that absorb rain water instead of pushing rainwater into the sewage system) in schools (especially in cities).

  • See below for two diagrams of impervious surfaces and more environmentally friendly ones:

Frontiers | Implementing Green Walls in Schools (

  • This research from 2018 agrees and adds: “Green walls have the potential to inspire critical thinking”.

  • Not only are there passive health benefits, it’s an opportunity to teach students about green walls, such as Dutch students in grades 5-7

  • “The authors have outlined a curriculum involving the implementation of an indoor living wall system within a classroom-learning environment, incorporating project-based learning modules that interact with the wall.” The program is STEAM oriented and explored 3D printing - inspiring the future of the field

PS - When I attended UofT some years ago, a notable a feature on campus was the Exam Centre’s ‘Living Wall’ in the Main Lobby. I was already familiar with the positive impacts for wellbeing from more natural elements indoors, and always looked forward to soaking in the wall while waiting to write my exams:


re: Roof Maintenance Solutions’ article about the downside of green roofs - greater costs


re:’s article about Stormwater Runoff Management