Navigating the City of Toronto’s Green Roof Bylaw and Eco-Roof Incentive (Groof)

The following is a series of direct quotations and more we could find from reliable sources over the years related to The City’s Green Roof ambitions - this is meant to be a conversation piece for Groof’s clients, not a full guide at all.

For official information on the Bylaw and the Incentive, here are two helpful links from the City of Toronto:

City of Toronto Green Roof Bylaw – City of Toronto

Eco-Roof Incentive Program – City of Toronto

Chapter 492 (

First, let’s take a look at the History and Impact associated with this topic:


2006 -

“The pilot program, funded by Toronto Water, was initiated and offered a financial incentive of $10/m² encourage the installation of green roofs by the private sector.”

2009 -

“Toronto will become the only city in North America with a By-law that both requires green roofs and 

establishes the construction standards for them.”

2009 -

“In place since 2009, the program incentivizes green or cool roofs, with eligible green roof projects receiving $75 per square metre, with a maximum allocation of $100,000”

2013 -

the incentive mentioned above was still $75 per square metre

2013 -

“The City developed the Guidelines for Biodiverse Green Roofs to expand the awareness of design strategies to enhance habitat opportunities within green roof design. (To request a copy of the Supplementary guidelines email - There’s also Guidelines for Biodiverse Green Roofs, for a copy, contact:”

2016 -

the incentive mentioned above was still $75 per square metre

Chapter 492 ( Eco-Roof Incentive Program forms an important element of the City's Climate Change Action Plan, which targets an ambitious 80% reduction in greenhouse emissions by 2050.


2009 - the Eco-Roof Incentive Program has:

  • supported the installation of 614 eco-roofs

  • created 1.12 million square metres of roof space

  • reduce energy consumption by 2,200 megawatt-hours (MWh) annually

  • avoid 416 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually

  • divert more than 18 million litres of storm-water annually.


  • More than 850 development projects

  • More than 2 million litres of potable water saved


  • Between 2010 and 2017, approximately 420 green roof permits were issued in Toronto, 

    • totaling 450,000 square meters of green roof space. 

    • The Eco-Roof Incentive Program has received over 500 applications and 

    • successfully supported 336 eco-roof projects since 2009.

2018 - Achievements of Toronto to date

  • Stormwater Management

  • Approximately 11 million liters of storm water diverted from sewers annually, resulting in a cost saving of at least $100,000.

    Energy Efficiency

  • Average of 1000 megawatt hours per year in energy savings primarily from reduced need for air conditioning.

    Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions/Air Quality

  • Average of 220 metric tons of greenhouse gases avoided annually.

  • Green Space Enhancement and Biodiversity

  • Green roofs will help increase green space in the urban environment with the potential to enhance biodiversity.

    Economic Development

  • Minimum of 12 person-years of new employment generated.

    Urban Heat Island Mitigation

  • Widespread implementation of green roofs can reduce local ambient air temperature 1.5 to 2°C, with a direct 4-5°C temperature roof surface cooling effect.

  • Note: Data is only available for projects funded through the Eco-Roof Incentive Program at this time.

    Next Steps

  • The Green Roof Bylaw and the Eco-Roof Incentive Program are key components for implementing Toronto's ‘Official Plan Vision’, intended to ensure the city evolves, improves and realises its full potential in areas such as transit, land use development, and the environment.

  • Such policies are also designed to manage the quantity and improve the quality of stormwater; to reduce GHG emissions, promote green infrastructure to complement infrastructure, and to encourage green roofs as an innovative approach to reducing the urban heat island effect. They address multiple city-wide environmental policy objectives including TransfromTO (Toronto’s new and ambitious climate action strategy); and the Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan (Toronto’s plan to protect water quality in Toronto's watercourses and Lake Ontario).

  • The City of Toronto plans to continue to undertake consultation with stakeholders on a regular basis, including the roofing industry, to ensure the program and policies remain relevant.

2022 -

45 projects were completed in this one year alone totaling 68,000 square metres of roof space.

Next, let’s aim to summarize the Bylaw and Incentive as of today:

Green Roof Bylaw 

Required Buildings

  • New buildings (Commercial and Residential and Industrial) *at least a gross floor area of 2,000 m²

  • AND existing Industrial buildings *also at least a gross floor of 2,000 m². The building’s gross floor area will determine the minimum percentage of Available Roof Space to make ‘green’. IE - buildings between 2,000-4,999 m² must cover 20% of Available Roof Space in ‘green’ (vegetation). However, if the building covers the remaining Available Roof Space in ‘green’ too, that extra ‘green’ qualifies for Incentive.

  • Policy requires new buildings constructed by the City and its Agencies, Boards and Commissions to provide a green roof covering 50% of all Available Roof Space

  • Toronto Green Roof By-law, enacted under the authority of Section 108 of the City of Toronto Act (COTA) requires green roofs on certain types of new buildings and regulates the design and construction of green roofs in Toronto. 

Special Exemptions from bylaw

Residential buildings less than 6 storeys or 20 m in height are exempt from being required to have a Green Roof.

Non-profit Housing 

“[…] It is recommended that non-profit 

housing be exempt from the requirements to construct green roofs. An exemption is 

consistent with City policies to encourage affordable housing development in Toronto.”

School Use Buildings

“[…] It is proposed that public and separate schools be exempt from requirements to construct green roofs in the By-law. It is 

proposed that the Province provide funding for the construction of green roofs on new schools in Toronto.”

“Opting out”

There is a cash-in-lieu payment of $200/m². This is essentially the fee for Required Buildings that do not want to have their required green roof or to have less than their required amount.

The Eco-Roof Incentive Program

Firstly, here are the benefits (non-rebate related) - 

These buildings will benefit from having a green roof in many ways - 

Green roofs provide many benefits to the City including reducing the urban heat island 

effect and energy consumption; improving air quality and stormwater management and 

creating opportunities for biodiversity and habitat creation and the beautification of the 

City. The construction of green roofs supports the implementation of city-wide 

environmental policy objectives of the ‘Climate Change, Clean Air and Sustainable 

Energy Action Plan’ and the ‘Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan’. The City’s 

Official Plan also supports the use of green roofs as an innovative approach to reducing 

the urban heat island effect in Toronto.

The installation of a green roof can also help to reduce the strain on HVAC systems (and, in turn, lengthen their life-cycles) by tempering the need for heating and cooling year-round.

The Eco-Roof Incentive (“Rebate”) Program

For the green roof incentive, all existing buildings, = no minimum size

The Eco-Roof Incentive Program (“the Program”) will be administered by the Environment and Energy Division of the City with the support of the following City Divisions during the review of applications: City Planning, Toronto Building and Toronto Water.

Green Roof Incentives (up to $100,000)

  • $100 / m2 installed

  • up to $1,000.00 for a structural assessment

Cool Roof Incentives (up to $50,000)

  • $5 / m2 for a cool roof with a new membrane

  • $2 / m2 for a cool roof coating over an existing roof

Eligible buildings

  • existing residential, industrial, commercial & institutional buildings

  • new residential, industrial, commercial, & institutional buildings with a gross floor area of less than 2,000 m²

  • all new construction projects by Toronto School Boards and not-for-profit organizations

  • Maximum of $100,000 per green roof project

Green roofs for existing buildings are also eligible for a Structural Assessment Grant. See information in the next section below.

 a building must be located in the city of Toronto and meet the Green Roof or Cool Roof specifications of subsections 6.1 and 6.2, the Application Criteria in section 4, the Requirements of Participation in section 7, including the obligation to maintain Green Roofs for their entire service lives, and other terms and conditions of this Program:

This application form can be completed by the property owner or the roofing contractor installing the eco-roof.

Please be prepared to provide the following supporting documentation:

  • Photo of the roof prior to construction

  • Roof plan/drawing indicating the total roof area and total eco-roof area with measurements in square metres.

  • Roofing materials – For cools roofs provide the manufacturer’s information sheet showing SRI and Thermal Emittance. For green roofs provide plant material, growing medium and construction details.
    Maintenance plan stating how the roof will be maintained annually.

  • For green roofs only – a Building Permit is required.

  • Please note that all measurements are required in SQUARE METERS. Please use a conversion calculator

15 STEPS: Guide to applying for a green roof rebate

  • Review the eligibility requirements for green roofs and the program’s Terms and Conditions .

  • Contact a Green Roof Professional (GRP) near you to provide advice and a quote. Tip: Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is a member based organization that has a list of qualified GRPs . Note: You are not required to hire a contractor, and you may opt to install the roof yourself. However we recommend that you consult with a green roof professional. City of Toronto staff are not able to recommend a contractor or provide a list of contractors. Here are some tips for choosing a contractor 

  • Working with your selected GRP or an engineer, determine if a structural assessment is appropriate for your property. Tip: Grants of up to $1,000 are available to help offset the cost of a structural assessment to determine if an existing building can carry the additional weight of a green roof. Learn more in the Structural Assessment Grant section.

  • Determine the minimum coverage required. Based on the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of your property, determine the minimum percent coverage for your green roof. Use the chart below as your guide.

  • Working with your GRP, determine the type of green roof system that you would like to install. Green roof systems are generally classified as extensive, semi-intensive or intensive. Learn more about the types of green roofs.

  • Working with your GRP or landscape architect, determine the type of plants that are best suited to the conditions of your property. Tip: Choose plants with biodiversity and habitat creation in mind. Pollinators and birds can benefit from green roof habitat. Look at the Design Guidelines for Biodiverse Green Roofs to identify best practices for creating habitat and promoting biodiversity on green roofs.

  • Ready to move forward with your plans? Obtain a building permit. All green roofs constructed in Toronto must obtain a building permit and must meet the minimum requirements set out in the Green Roof Construction Standard (Article IV of the Green Roof Bylaw). For more information contact Toronto Building Customer Service.

  • Gather your supporting documents. Your chosen roofing contractor will be able to provide the required documents. Provide the following supporting documentation when completing the Application Form:

    • Photo of roof: A photo of the roof prior to construction.

    • Information about green roof system: Detailed plans of the proposal showing plant material and type of growing medium and construction details.

    • Information about the size of the roof: Detailed plans and drawings of the proposal showing the total roof area and total green roof area. All measurements are to be provided in square metres.

    • Maintenance Plan: A copy of the maintenance plan as required in the Toronto Green Roof Construction Standard (Article IV of the Green Roof Bylaw ).

    • Apply online. Complete the online application form. Be sure to upload all required documents using the online form. Tip: The form can be completed by yourself or the roofing contractor. Most roofing contractors will submit the application form on behalf of their clients. If they do not offer, you may wish to ask them to do so.

  • Project approval. Wait to hear back from program staff regarding the status of your application before you begin any work on the roof. Upon receiving approval for funding, you may begin installing the green roof.

  • Roof is complete. Please have your roofing contractor provide the following documentation:

    • Photo of the completed roof

    • Declaration letter stating the final size of the green roof in square meters. The letter should be dated and signed.

    • Invoice showing the cost of the roof installation.

  • Close your building permit. In order to close your file and release the grant funding allocated for this project, Eco-Roof program staff require confirmation that the building permit has been closed. Please get in touch with the Buildings Permit office and make arrangements to have your building permit closed. Tip: You will need to book an inspection to close your building permit.

  • Project is verified. A verification form will be sent to the property owner for signature. Please sign, scan and return this form via email.

  • Site visit is conducted by Eco-Roof Program Staff. Please arrange a time for a site visit and ensure there is safe access to your green roof.

  • Rebate payment is issued to the registered property owner. Payment will be made via direct deposit.

    When will the rebate payment be issued?

    • The City will issue payment upon completion of the project provided that:

    • A complete and compliant application has been approved.

    • The installation is fully completed in accordance with all terms and conditions of this Program.

    • A permit has been obtained from the Chief Building Official in accordance with the requirements of the Green Roof Bylaw (for Green Roofs only).

    • The following documentation has been received by the City:

      • Declaration Letter: from the roofing contractor verifying the installed eco-roof has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this program, and includes the final size of the eco-roof in square metres

      • Photographs of the completed eco-roof

      • Final invoice stating the full cost of the installed eco-roof

        Application timing

        • Applications are accepted and reviewed on an on-going basis. Applications must be approved prior to commencing any work on the roof. Projects that have started, or are complete, may not be eligible for funding.

          Who can fill out the application form?

          The form can be completed by the property owner or the roofing contractor. Most roofing contractors will submit the application form on behalf of their clients. If they do not offer, you may wish to ask them to do so.

          How are applications assessed and approved?

          • Applications must be submitted prior to commencing work on the roof

          • Applications will be reviewed on a weekly basis.

          • Applicants will be notified of their application status within two weeks of requesting a grant.

          • Funding recipients will be selected based on the eligibility criteria.

          • Application approval is subject to funding availability.

          • Approved projects must be completed within one year of the application approval date.

          • Applications will be reviewed by a Review Committee, comprised of staff from the Environment and Climate Division, City Planning, Toronto Building and Toronto Water.

Lastly, whether constructing a green roof voluntarily, or as required by the Green Roof Bylaw


As part of the Building Permit process for a Green Roof, Toronto Building staff must review your plans to ensure that they comply with the Toronto Green Roof Construction Standard, Ontario Building Code, local Zoning Bylaws and other applicable laws.

Whether constructing a green roof voluntarily, or as required by the Green Roof Bylaw, all green roofs in the City of Toronto, at a minimum, must conform to the Toronto Green Roof Construction Standard. The Standard can be found in Article IV of the Green Roof Bylaw (Municipal Code Chapter 492, Green Roofs PDF)

Mandatory provisions are included in the Toronto Green Roof Construction for the following areas:

  • Green Roof Assembly

  • Gravity Loads

  • Slope Stability

  • Parapet Height and /or Overflow Scupper Locations

  • Wind Uplift

  • Fire Safety

  • Occupancy and Safety

  • Waterproofing

  • Drainage

  • Water Retention

  • Vegetation Performance

  • Plant Selection

  • Irrigation

  • Maintenance

    Green Roof Construction Standard: Supplementary Guidelines

    Toronto Building has prepared a guideline document to the green roof construction standard, in consultation with the City’s Green Roof Technical Advisory Group. The document contains “best practices” in green roof design, provides designers and the public with additional information on the Toronto Green Roof Construction Standard and contains illustrations to assist with calculating required green roof coverage.

    To request a copy of the Supplementary guidelines email

    Guidelines for Biodiverse Green Roofs

    The Guidelines for Biodiverse Green Roofs identify, describe and illustrate best practices for creating habitat and promoting biodiversity on green roofs in Toronto. They are intended to support and expand the Toronto Green Roof Construction Standard Supplementary Guidelines. These guidelines are primarily designed for use by architects and landscape architects involved in designing green roofs but they may also be of interest to others who wish to understand how green roofs can be designed to enhance and support biodiversity.

    Design Guidelines for Biodiverse Green Roofs identify, describe and illustrate best practices for creating habitat and promoting biodiversity on green roofs in Toronto. For a copy of the Guidelines for Biodiverse Green Roofs contact:

Conditions after Payment

The City may inspect a Green Roof during its lifetime to ensure that it is being maintained properly and continues to function for its designed service life, and if the Green Roof has not been maintained, may recover payment in accordance with section 17.

17.2 If, upon inspection during the service life of a Green Roof, the City finds that the Green Roof is not being maintained to a standard that allows it to function for the designed service life, the City may require and the Applicant agrees to repay the portion of the grant that reflects the lifespan that should be remaining. (For example, if funding of $20,000 was provided for a Green Roof that was supposed to function for 20 years and in the 15th year it does not function at all, the Applicant will be required and agrees to repay $5,000, representing the 25% shorter lifespan).

The City aims to make financial incentives available under this Program on a fair basis to a broad range of eligible Applicants and, for this purpose, the City reserves the absolute right to limit the approval of applications and/or funds granted in such a manner as to ensure no single Applicant receives a disproportionate share of Program funds, notwithstanding there may be available Program funds or that all funding eligibility requirements have been met by the Applicant. By accepting these terms of reference, the Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the selection and approval of an application for a Program grant is in the absolute discretion of the City, and that the City has reserved rights to limit the number of grants approved and the manner of grant approval on such grounds and conditions as it deems in the best interests of the public. Without limiting the foregoing, where the number of eligible grant applications received exceeds available program funding, the Director of the Environment and Energy Division shall have the absolute discretion in the selection and approval of applications subject to such selection criteria as may be established by City Council.

492-20. Offences. A. Every person who contravenes a provision of this chapter is guilty of an offence. B. Every director or officer of a corporation who knowingly concurs in a contravention of this chapter by the corporation is guilty of an offence. C. Every person who fails to comply with a term or condition of a green roof permit under this chapter is guilty of an offence. D. Every person who contravenes an order under subsection 384(1) or 385(1) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, is guilty of an offence. § 492-21. Penalty. Every person convicted of an offence under this chapter is liable to a maximum fine of not more than $100,000.

More incentives

Environmental Grants & Incentives – City of Toronto

Related bylaws

Toronto Municipal Code Chapters


Investigating the Dangers of Green Roofs and Walls (Groof)


re: White Roofs & Lack of Vision Outside of Toronto