Categories in Beautifying Balconies

We recently launched a list of articles that focused on the same topic (balcony DIY/improvement) but each with a unique approach, diverse ideas, with practicality in mind.

We continue to see a lack of attention in this space we sometimes call “Balcony beautification” which we’re involved in because we believe balconies are backyards, valuable outdoor real estate, and more.

Here are some categories we’ve noticed emerging as of late -

  1. overall trends

    • what’s “cool” or “in” right now globally, locally, demographically.

  2. climate factor

    • is the location Canada or California? How harsh are winters?

  3. limited space

    • balconies are known to be small, this is why #4 is so useful -

  4. is it practical?

    • how much does this balcony improve their living experience?

  5. is it an oasis?

    • not only a space outdoors, balconies are a break from the City.

  6. “SUMMER”

    • in many places, balconies are most utilized during the summer.

  7. furniture

    • Places to sit, eat, read, sleep, store things, etc. all on a balcony.

  8. plants

    • Simply put, plants can improve air and other home qualities.

  9. couples/single

    • Whether roommates, a couple, or a family, the decisions in the balcony setup will have to take this factor into account greatly.

  10. guest(s) over

    • Keeping in mind the living experience for dwellers, what’s unique or similar about the guest experience within the same confines?

  11. holidays

    • this is one area to potentially focus on or accommodate for depending on when you’re enhancing the balcony and who lives there. For example, are Christmas lights easily installed?

  12. design beliefs

    • Words like Bohemian, Scandinavian, Moroccan, and more were used in our previous blog which included articles about balcony enhancements, which means wider design schools are relevant.

  13. new luxuries

    • This is our favourite one. What better versions of items exist? What do luxury SUV interiors include? What about luxury jets? What are designers doing today with backyards and patios? This is why we’re trailblazing the way in Balcony Beautifcation.



1,000+ Ideas to enhance Balconies worldwide


Lighting on a Balcony